
Face Masks & Scent

NO ONE enjoys wearing these things. But HERE we are!  

There are days that you only have to wear a mask for a short period of time or you may have to wear it for long shifts at your place of employment.  

Whether you wear a generic type mask, a specialty mask or one that you or a friend has sewn for you, after any period of time, they may not have a pleasant smell.  You might sweat a little or maybe you've been drinking coffee or had a tuna sandwich for lunch.  Unless you brush your teeth or chew a piece of gum, you might be smelling those beverages and food choices for a while.  

Some Oily friends of mine came up with an awesome idea of DIY Mask Sprays.  So using your inventory of essential oils, a spray bottle and water, you can make your own Mask Sprays.  These spray bottles can fit in your purse easily or your pocket.  Just shake & spray the inside of your mask and inhale the aroma of the blend of choice.  

Some recipes examples are for Respiratory (for those suffering from seasonal threats such as a stuffy nose), Immunity (for those who are wanting to keep their immune system strong), Uplifting (for those who want to feel emotionally uplifted), Calming (for those who feeling anxious) and Fresh Breath (for those who's tuna sandwich is lingering).  

Please send me an email if I can help you with the following:
  • Getting started with an essential oil account.
  • You have essential oils, but need the recipe.
  • You want to know where to get those spray bottles.  {Check out my Resources page on my website}