
My Testimony

My name is Cindy Cowan and I am a doTERRA Wellness Advocate.  What does that mean to you?  Simply that I love helping lots of people learn about a better lifestyle called doTERRA.  I help people get access to products that improve their quality of physical, emotional and financial health.  And I love it so much that I teach others how to do what I do, so we can change the world of healthcare and make it better.

I began this journey in 2016.  My first use of oils helped with focusing and allergies.     The InTune Roller helped to enhance and sustain a sense of focus. No matter your age, staying focused on the task at hand is sometimes difficult. This Focus Blend help me to accomplish all of my daily tasks.  

Allergies can be a daunting to deal with.  Over the counter drugs and prescription drugs stopped working for my seasonal allergies.  The worst side effect was that I got "Cotton-Mouth".  I couldn't drink enough water to quench my thirst.  A good friend who had introduced me to doTERRA recommended that I take Lavender, Lemon & Peppermint essential oils internally.  I added 5 drops of each oil into a shot glass of water, swished the mixture around my mouth for 30 seconds and then swallowed it.  More water followed and within 10 - 15 minutes, the sinus pressure was gone!  So was the itchy eyes and irritating sinus drainage. I have NOT taken any OTC or prescription medication since 2016!   I have also not had any sinus infections either.

I started out as a customer and changed over to a Wellness Advocate in 2017 because I wanted to share with everyone how powerful essential oils to our health.