
A New journey

For the past five months, I have been going through a personal health crisis and I want to share what has been going on in my life.  I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis this month.

It is hereditary; my sister has it and our mother and her father had it. My husband lives with it as well. I have now learned that it is quite a common autoimmune disorder.

During those five months, I was practically chair and bed bound. The inflammation and pain in my knees, ankles, neck, and hands were so bad that I needed help. I also needed help going to the bathroom and taking a shower.  I was so embarrassed, but so thankful for my husband, Eric and my daughter, Kaylynn. I have always considered myself an independent and strong woman, but this health crisis forced me to be humble and learned to ask for help. Kaylynn was my nurse and personal chef. Eric installed handrails in the bathroom for me. He even bought me an electric recliner.

I was stubborn and wanted to take care of myself. The over the counter meds would help a little, but not for very long. I tried essential oil remedies, ice packs and heating pads. I read many articles about reducing inflammation on the internet and those did not work either!

I held off going to the doctor because I did not want to know the truth of what was wrong. You see, cancer also runs in my family and that what was in the front of my mind. I did not imagine arthritis could be so bad.

The medical center that I started going to assigned me to a Rheumatologist, but the first available appointment is not until the end of October. In the meantime, my general practitioner is only giving me pain and inflammation medication and when it comes time for a refill, I have to get new blood work done. This is expensive! I don’t like having to call the nurse and practically beg for more medication!

During this time, I have been talking to my sister, who has been dealing with specialists and multiple medications for about 30 years.  I thought to myself, “this is ridiculous”!  The medicines only work for short periods of time! And what will happen when I see the specialist?! More bloodwork and then trying different arthritis medications that may or may not work?

Then it dawned on me that I know someone in my business network group that has the credentials, knowledge and experience with nutrition and fitness. I contacted Kerry Thuett, PhD of Fully Fueled Fitness. We met this past week to discuss my health situation. I was blown away by her knowledge!

So, I have decided that I will be working with Kerry on my new healthy Lifestyle.  I want to share my journey with everyone. I know that my family cares and supports me, but maybe someone else could benefit from this journey I’m now on.