
Time has flown by!

Oh my goodness!  I cannot believe that I have not written a blog in a few weeks.  Lately my mind has been going in all sorts of directions with ideas of projects.  Business ideas, recipe tweaking, DIY projects, organizing my home, etc.  Believe it or not, I did use my InTune focusing oil blend, but I literally ran out of hours in the day to get things done on my "To Do List" every day.  Blogging somehow just didn't get done.  No more excuses!  I plan to devote at least 15 minutes to it daily.  

My healthy eating journey is still going well.  My mind is no longer in a fog.  It has been 22 days and I've lost about 8 pounds.  That doesn't sound like much, but I had not been able to lose any weight before my new eating plan started.  I'm not so concerned about the number of pounds, but how I feel and how my clothes fit.  This morning, I was able to wear one pant size smaller again and that was a WIN in my books!  

This past Sunday, I did some meal prep for the week.  I experimented with adding 1 drop of Rosemary and Thyme essential oils into a pound of grass-fed ground beef and made some patties.  The oils gave the meat a new flavor than just salt, pepper and garlic powder.  Then I just baked them in the oven.  Delish!