
"Just Breathe" - Diffusing

Our sense of smell is one of our most powerful senses, and you have probably noticed in your own experience that some scents are more positively associated in our minds than others.   
By putting essential oils directly into the air we breathe, we can influence the feeling of our environment, and, more powerfully, our own emotions. While smell is a great tool, there are other reasons that diffusing essential oils can be beneficial to you:
* It can purify the air in your home. Juniper Berry, Lemon, Lime, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), and specific blends like Purify and doTERRA On Guard® are useful for this purpose.
* Some oils can help maintain feelings of clear breathing and open airways. For example, doTERRA Breathe®, Douglas Fir, Lavender, and Eucalyptus all have this ability, among other oils.
* To minimize the effects of seasonal threats. Specifically Arborvitae and doTERRA Breathe help here.
* Only a small amount of oil needs to be used if you’re using it in an ultrasonic diffuser. This means you can use one bottle of essential oil many times before you’ll need more.
For a FREE e-book "Aromatic Use of Essential Oils".