
Are Family Gatherings Stressful?

The holidays can be fun and stressful.  It doesn't matter if we are hosting or visiting, we usually get anxious about everything going well.  There are so many variables that could cause this stress.  Cleaning the house, cooking and baking, driving a long distance, weather conditions, and family dynamics.  Does everyone always get along?  


What about your pets?  If you're hosting, people are coming to your home.  Are your pets comfortable with a lot of noise and people?  If your pets are traveling with you, how well do they travel?  Do they get car sick?  Do they feel uncomfortable in another person's home?  


So much to think about!


Well, I can help you with some emotional support essential oil recommendations.  I always recommend diffusing for humans and pets.  Not only does it help with mind and mood, but it makes the room smell good and your guests will be calm too!  The other suggestion is applying the essential oil/s to yourself and your pet. With the proper dilution (essential oil + fractionated coconut oil) you and your pets will experience a more relaxing time during the traveling and / or gathering.


Essential Oil Recommendations:  

  • Lavender
  • Petitgrain
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Sandalwood
  • Tangerine
  • Wild Orange