
International Mind-Body Wellness Day

International Mind-Body Wellness Day is January 3rd and is the perfect time to make a renewed commitment to love your body and your mind by implementing new ideas for growth and health in the coming year!


What is the History of International Mind-Body Wellness Day?  The world of natural medicine has been around for thousands of years, with Hippocrates being credited as the father of this movement. His research and teachings were instrumental in launching the continued exploration of the way medicine is used in the world.


Modern day practices of mind-body wellness have been more recent. In the past several decades, many people have been focusing on and researching the connection between the mind and the body as they work together synergistically toward a healthy life. Whether it is a healthy and positive mind that promotes a healthy body, or the other way around, the connection between mind-body wellness has been reinforced by science in recent years.


This day celebrates and raises awareness for the essential relationship between the mind and the body, encouraging people to honor and enjoy all of the aspects of wellness. 


How can you celebrate International Mind-Body Wellness Day?  

  • Take a yoga class
  • Practice breathing exercises
  • Diffuse your favorite essential oil/s
  • Drink lots of water
  • Get a good night's sleep
  • Practice Meditation