Reference books

    Here are my favorite books:

    Items use for Aromatherapy for Health and Home:

    List Coming Soon!

    free tip sheet 

    Top 6 Essential Oils 

    Basic Health Tips

    free ebook
    Using Essential Oils

    Non-Toxic Cleaning Solutions for your Home

    101 Uses ebook
    Lavender, Lemon & Lavender

    Tried and Tested Uses for these amazing essential oils

    Essential Oils

    Recipes for Every Day Living!

    Essential Oils for Dogs & cats 

    Free Tip Sheet

    Basic information

    Fleas & Ticks
    FREE Solutions Sheet

    Natural Solutions 

    for Your Pets

    Pet First Aid Kit
    FREE Check List
    Animals get hurt and you can now be prepared to administer First Aid!
    Basic Essential Oil Safety Tips
    For Your Pets

    Basic Information